Wednesday, January 31, 2007

For all of you non Dutchables

This is how the dutch make the wooden shoe.

We start with a piece of wood.

Then we start to shave the wood away, it is also called turning the wood.

They have special tools for it...and I have no idea what or don't ask me more about tha alright...LOL

And this is how it looks after some "turning".

Then the paint fairy comes along and gives the wooden shoes a nice lick of paint.

They they go to different stores all over that little country called Holland... you know it as The Netherlands. (and no Amsterdam is not the name of the country)

Aren't they pretty?

And then when they got bought by a farmer, they know their place, it is outside near the back door.

Special thanks to Eva, she made these beautiful pictures...thanks Eva.

To see more of Eva's work, click here

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

the deer came back

We have always alot of deer around the house, and usually they lay down in our neigbors yard.
This time it was a mother and 2 fawns (baby deer), one of the little ones was limping.
The mother was looking right into the camera.

So next year we will have more deer, the fawns will bring their mates because it is safe here for them to rest.

Emma's birthday

Geezzzz, 4 years old already... there goes my childhood.....

Friday, January 19, 2007

Stuff kids do

A margerine bucket is almost as good as a top hat.
Giggling with baby sister is so much fun and share secrets.
Lets see if I can find someone my age to chat with. Oh men my eyes are so heavy.
Oh men my head is heavy now too..... oh well....sigh

tea party

Thank you gramma!!! *Love Emma*